Tatametrika Nusantara

Business Celebration - 30th Anniversary Year

  • Tatametrika Nusantara celebrated 30th Birthday in October 13, 2018
  • It has been an amazing year for all of us and a huge credit goes to our loyal staff and the hard work they had put into it.                                                                                                     

What we have done

The event took place in Royal Safari Garden - Puncak. A total of three days from friday to sunday, the company invited more than 150 staff and their families to join our special moments. Tatametrika provided full services that included buses and accomodation. Variety of activities such as animal show, barbeque, live music, fire dance, children playride , just to name a few of the company jam packed schedule.


The Doorprize

Long awaited Tatametrika's doorprize(s). Starting from bicycles, laptops, TV's, mobile phones, refrigerators and 3 motorcycles to sum up the Grand Prize. Nobody gets home empty handed. Everyone walked home with happy smiles.

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